Monday, May 21, 2007

Back to work?

Song of the day: Parentheses by The Blow

Well as all good thing must come to an end, so must my fabulous vacation. I will be going back to work next week, almost regrettably because now I have to opportunity to work on a film that sounds really exciting to me. What's a girl to do? Do I take the job that I already promised to work on for one month? Or the really fun movie that will keep me gainfully employed for 5 months? the art or the money? That's always the way it is. Do I stay legit or sell out?

The movie I am slated to work on is nice because it's only for a month and I would be speaking French like God intended, and it gives me the option to take more classes or audition in July. but the money baby, I really do hate being poor. having a job for 5 months would be amazing.

Oh, I hate decisions.

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