Saturday, September 29, 2007


Song of the day- Opus 23 by Dustin O'Halloran

So this post goes out to Fergal. Thanks for being so encouraging and supportive even though I'm obviously crazy. You rule.

In other news, I am swiftly falling asleep at my desk. Perchance it was my two hour hike in the Tent Rocks that did it, or maybe it's just the fact that I'm somewhat of a mechanical robot burning disc after disc of still photographs from the movie that I am currently working on. It's been my job to work as the digital photo lab and catalogue all of the photos, rearrange them all and send to all the necessary parties. I don't mind doing it, but it's been hard finding the time with my other assistant responsibilities. Boo. Not kidding, I could definitely fall asleep right here, right now. Well, my boss is gone, I could possibly lay down in his office for a bit...

Well, besides not really being super enthused about work at the moment, I had a pretty fabulous weekend. Exhausting yes, but worth every minute. I spent most of Saturday with my friend Liz on our spa day. I went to my new favorite spa, Betty's Bath and had massages and facials. I didn't know I looked so bad until I looked in the mirror on my way out the door. the difference between when I arrived and when I left was quite astounding. I should have done a before and after pic, but whatever, don't want to scare people. That took up most of my Saturday. I ended up meeting up with a couple of friends downtown later, which was fun, but I was in such an altered state of mind since the massage, that I all I could think about was curling up in my big, soft bed and going to sleep forever. Sunday was somewhat more productive.

I met up with some friends in the afternoon, and went up to Dixon Apple Farm to check out the new crop of Champagne apples. I love them so much! I'm feeling homely and really want to make a pie so I picked up a half bushel of beautifully crisp, sweet, surprisingly spicy apples. I conned a few of my friends to come along and we had a nice romp in the orchard before we all headed over the Tent Rocks National monument for an impromptu hike. two hours later, and right at sunset, I hobbled back to the car with a some what sore posterior. It was worth it though. I slept so well. I basically did a face plant into my pillow last night. It was all pretty perfect. You can really feel fall now. New Mexico fall is a little weirder that in other places. It tends to be really chilly in the morning and at night, but still around 75 degrees in the middle of the afternoon. It's pretty easy to start off wearing a sweater, switch to a tank top and back to a sweater at night. I also bought a huge jar of orange blossom honey on the side of the road. Uh, that may be the best honey in the entire world. I seriously wanted to to just eat spoonfuls of it. It was so amazing.

All in all, I'd say it was a pretty rejuvenating weekend. I think I really needed it too. i spent the last two weekends working so, I think I deserved it.

Friday, September 28, 2007 really unbelievable

Uh, so I don't know how this happened, but I had another audition for a movie filming up in Santa Fe and got the role. This is just crazy. I am so thrilled that I don't know what to do. Once I can handle, but two roles in a row? That's just loopy.

This is how it went down-
I went to an audition in Santa Fe for the role of Kelly, and army wife. Well, the casting director liked my reading and told me that it was great, but I didn't get a callback when she said that I would, so I gave up on it. Well, I got a call the next day to come back for a callback. Funny, when I got there for it I was the only one called back for that role. I was pretty excited about that when I realized it was just me. I went in and read for the director and he told me right away that I had the role. I was somewhat beside myself when I heard that. So I will be filming that role on October 12th.

The only downside to this role is that I had 3 scenes, but then they cut it down to just one scene. Boo. did I mention that I'm playing a pregnant woman? Yeah. Now that is funny.

That's about the only thing that I have to look forward to right now. I don't have a job after this movie is over, so I need to find something. A girl's got to eat.